Mark Whitty (Senior Lecturer @MME)

Embedding metadata in images at time of capture using physical Quick Response (QR) codes


Maintaining metadata records for scientific imaging is challenging where the link between the metadata and the image can be broken. We propose a method for using QR codes in images to embed the metadata, so that it can be extracted on demand. By using a novel pipeline for generating QR codes, displaying them in images, reading the QR codes in the images and extracting the metadata for later action such as renaming the image file, a streamlined process for metadata management is introduced. This method was simulated using a range of image types and QR code parameters to identify the limits of various parameter combinations, providing practical insight into code design and usability. The pipeline was also tested with hundreds of images in both laboratory and field situations and proved to be extremely efficient and robust. This method offers potential for anyone taking images of samples who needs to guarantee the existence and correctness of metadata without relying on an external association mechanism.


Mark Whitty is a senior lecturer in the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at the University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney), Australia. He leads the Smart Robotic Viticulture team at UNSW and his research interests include digital viticulture, digital agriculture, agricultural robotics, and 3D point cloud processing. He has been successful with both nationally competitive grants and engagement with industry internationally in the agricultural sector. He received a Ph.D. in Mechatronic Engineering from UNSW. He is a member of the IEEE. Contact him at