
What: The AI seminar is a fortnightly seminar series on topics related to Artificial Intelligence (Intelligent and Autonomous Systems).

Why: The motivation for creating this seminar is that UNSW CSE has a critical mass of people who are working on subtly related topics in AI, Multi-agent systems, Robotics, Machine Learning, KR, Human–Computer Interaction, Computer Vision and Signal Processing. Having a fortnightly point of interaction will provide exposure to interesting work in this area and increase awareness of our shared interests and other commonalities like the use of similar computational tools.

Who: The target audience are faculty, students and postdocs in the AI and related disciplines, but the seminar is open to anyone and guests are welcomed. There is no need to formally enroll in a course. The format is very flexible and will include 45 minute talks with Q&A, talks by external visitors, as well as shorter presentations. In particular, the seminar is also intended as a way for students to obtain feedback on shorter ~ 20min talks preceding a presentation at a conference.

Where and when: the room will be announced shortly. The seminar takes place every fortnight, 2nd and 4th Friday of the month. The talk starts at 2pm.

How to be notified: Announcement will be made via MS Teams and through a mailing-list. If you want to be kept up to date with announcements, please send me an email and I’ll put you on the list.

Future presenters: If you want to share your work and present contact a member of the organization team.


Lead organiser: Dr. Wafa Johal, UNSW
